Bristol gas tank attacker caught on CCTV

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Bristol gas tank attacker caught on CCTV

Bristol gas tank attacker caught on CCTV

Police are hunting a man caught on CCTV trying to carry out an attack on a gas tank in Bristol, which a business owner says could have caused a serious explosion.

The attack took place on a pressurized carbon dioxide cylinder at Bristol Pub Gas on an industrial estate in Ashton Vale.

BBC Interview Simon Fisher Gas Consultant

The BBC interview Gas Consultant Specialist Simon Fisher of GasCon Ltd and Bristol Beer Company Manager Lisa Curtis. The seriousness of the attack could have caused a major incident as explained by the interviewees.

Gas Consultant Simon Fisher

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By |2018-10-16T15:06:22+00:00April 1st, 2015|Categories: BBC News, bcga, Beer Company, Bristol, DEFRA, Environment, Gases, Gases News, South West Gas|Tags: , |Comments Off on Bristol gas tank attacker caught on CCTV

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